Номер моделі 2094

Oksana MukhaThe dress is made of stretch satin (60% elastane + 40% polyester). Finished with a crystal fringe, which shines spectacularly at the slightest movement in both daylight and artificial light. Each crystal is firmly placed in its own metal cup, which gives reliability in the usage of the dress. The whole decor of the dress is attached by hand. Skirt length 40 cm from the waist. The dress can be made in navy blue, marsala, and cream colors.
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photo of evening dress 2094: міні, круглий, бретелі - спагетті, чорний, коротка, новий рік, день народження, на побаченняphoto of evening dress 2094: міні, круглий, бретелі - спагетті, чорний, коротка, новий рік, день народження, на побачення

Номер моделі 2094


The dress is made of stretch satin (60% elastane + 40% polyester). Finished with a crystal fringe, which shines spectacularly at the slightest movement in both daylight and artificial light. Each crystal is firmly placed in its own metal cup, which gives reliability in the usage of the dress. The whole decor of the dress is attached by hand. Skirt length 40 cm from the waist. The dress can be made in navy blue, marsala, and cream colors.

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