Номер модели 2101

Oksana Mukha The dress is made of designer fabric - fine silk mesh with a natural cotton base, pleasant to the body. All beaded embroidery on the grid and all decor elements on the dress are made by hand. The peculiarity of embroidery is the specificity of the placement of the beads so that each bead refracts the light, creating a shimmering effect. These beads are made especially for this fabric. The dress shines in both daylight and electric light, even in the dark. All technical work - trimming the frills, and fixing seams and draperies is done by hand. The dress is incredibly light, and elegant and it is truly a designer product. Skirt length 40 cm from the waist.
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photo of evening dress 2101: мини, сердце, без рукавов, черный, краткая, новый год, день рождение, на свидание, выпускнойphoto of evening dress 2101: мини, сердце, без рукавов, черный, краткая, новый год, день рождение, на свидание, выпускнойphoto of evening dress 2101: мини, сердце, без рукавов, черный, краткая, новый год, день рождение, на свидание, выпускной
Номер модели 2101
Oksana Mukha

The dress is made of designer fabric - fine silk mesh with a natural cotton base, pleasant to the body. All beaded embroidery on the grid and all decor elements on the dress are made by hand. The peculiarity of embroidery is the specificity of the placement of the beads so that each bead refracts the light, creating a shimmering effect. These beads are made especially for this fabric. The dress shines in both daylight and electric light, even in the dark. All technical work - trimming the frills, and fixing seams and draperies is done by hand. The dress is incredibly light, and elegant and it is truly a designer product. Skirt length 40 cm from the waist.

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